7 out of 7 people found the following review helpful
I was extremely disappointed when I wasn't able to find this product at my local Costco. So at that time I decided to order online and I was devastated because the product wasn't available. This is a staple in my home a very important ingredient in all of my dishes that I prepare on a daily basis. Just to enlighten you on how important it was, I would purchase 10 jars if not more and that would last me for that year. I would go back around Christmas time to replenish. But of course to my dismay I was never able to do so. I had everybody looking for Tossos sun dried tomatoes with balsamic vinaigrette, in-state and out-of-state everywhere.
Please let me know as soon as this product is back on the market, please it's missed, truly missed.
Thank you much.
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