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Rye Mini Rusk Made with Greek Olive Oil


Rusks, a traditional part of the Mediterranean diet. 


Rusks are renowned traditional twice-baked bread from the island of Crete, Greece.  They are a universal part of Greek, especially Cretan cuisine which is the prototype of the Mediterranean diet. 

Our Rusks are still baked today as they were during antiquity -- thick, rustic bread, twice-baked. Yes, they are hard, but their appeal is in their flavors, dense texture, and versatility. Rusks are made like bread, but the moisture is reduced during its second baking, so it dries out, becoming hard and crunchy. 

  • All are made with Greek olive oil from the island of Crete. 
  • Rusks have no cholesterol, superior grade dietary fats, no added sugars or preservatives.

Each rusk variety has a distinctive flavor from the different combination of flours and amounts of wheat, barley, rye or carob. TRY THEM ALL!  

Most every country has a traditional rusk on their menu. Whether they are called Zwieback, Biscotti or Toast Bisquit, they are often eaten with certain things or at certain meals.  With Creten rusks, they are pretty much eaten with every meal and in many ways. 

Request our e-booklet SUGGESTED WAYS TO ENJOY TASSOS RUSKS at frontdesk@tassos.comCOVER_PAGE__Suggested_Ways_To_Enjoy_TassosĀ®_Rusks_

Note: This product contains gluten and is not suitable for celiacs or people intolerant to this protein.



SKU#: 652878100063


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